【国际资讯】悼念FAOPMA资深领袖Doug howick
来源:《中国有害生物防制》电子刊   时间:2018-06-28     分享:


Mourning Doug Howick

On behalf of the entire industry, CPCA expressed deep condolences to Mr.Howick.


There's an old saying in China: “Though death befalls all men alike, it may be weightier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather.” (Mount Tai, a great and tall mountain in China, symbolizes prestige and nobility) Mr.Howick was an outstanding person who had qualities like “Mount Tai”. He is one of the senior leaders of FAOPMA and made great contribution to pest management, scientific research and communication within our industry. He kept on his career even after he retired. With his own passion and persistence on the research, Mr.Howick edited FAOPMA's electronic newsletter ”PPM NEWS”. It is “PM NEWS” that enable China's pest control industry acquire information from Asia and Oceania in a timely manner. He made great contributions to the international pest control industry.


Mr.Howick was very friendly and kind to his friends and colleagues, and he will live in our heart forever.


            The Chinese Pest Control Association

                      June 7, 2018



悼念Doug howick


对于Doug howick的辞世,中国卫生有害生物防制协会代表行业表示沉痛悼念!

中国有一句话说,“人固有一死,或重于泰山,或轻于鸿毛”(泰山,在中国是一座高大伟岸的山,象征着威望和高尚)。 Doug howick是一个非凡的人,他是一个像“泰山”的人。他在虫害管理、昆虫研究、行业交流等方面做出了巨大贡献,是FAOPMA的资深领袖之一。他生命不息,奋斗不止,退休后仍坚持工作,他用自己满腔的热爱和执着,编发FAOPMA 的电子通讯 “PPM NEWS”,中国有害生物防制行业通过“PPM NEWS”,及时了解亚洲及大洋洲地区各国行业资讯,他为国际有害生物防制行业的交流和沟通做出了巨大的贡献。

Doug howick活着的时候,对周围的人非常友好,拥有国内外许多朋友。可爱又真挚的他,将永远活在我们心中!





Doug Howick

In 1961, Doug was appointed to the Wood Preservation Section of the CSIRO Division of Forest Products. Being involved in all aspects of timber treatment, wood borers and termites, he was responsible for CSIRO’s work associated with the importation of the Sirex Wood Wasp and the European House Borer.  In 1968, this led to the award of a 10-month Churchill Fellowship “An International Study of the incidence, distribution and economic significance of certain wood-destryoying insects having the potential ability to establish in Australia”.  

In 1969, the Division of Forest Products decided to expand its entomological work on assessing wood preservatives and wood susceptibility to various insects.  Having specialised particularly in EHB and the West Indian Drywood Termite during his Fellowship, Doug was given the opportunity to head up that area.   As an Experimental Scientist, he also worked closely with the pest management and timber industries and as a result of this involvement, he was awarded Honorary Membership of the Pest & Weed Control Association of Victoria in 1975 and Life Membership of AEPMA on its formation in 1988.  After some years as Industry Liaison Officer Doug left CSIRO in 1992 as a Senior Specialist and Assistant to the Chief of Division.
With his expertise in pest management, termite management, chemical assessments against wood-destroying insects, industry liaison and his networking abilities, it is not surprising that Doug then became National Executive Director of AEPMA for ten years and, partially concurrently, National Secretary of the Timber Preservers Association of Australia (TPAA) for twenty.  

C. D. Howick is author of 60+ scientific papers on various aspects of forest products entomology, wood technology and pest management as well as a further 50+ reports, conference papers, and presentations.

In 2006, he was honoured with the title of Honorary Advisor for the Federation of Asian & Oceania Pest Managers Associations (FAOPMA).  Doug is now the Editor of “PPM News”, the newsletter for FAOPMA, and of the TPAA Newsletter “CONTACT”, both of which are electronically circulated on a bi-monthly basis.

Doug Howick

1961年,Doug Howick开始在CSIRO森林产品部门下的木材防腐部任职,参与了木材处理、木材蛀虫和白蚁防治的各方面工作,负责澳大利亚联邦科学与工业研究组织(CSIRO)有关引进树蜂和欧洲玉米螟的工作。这使他获得了196810个月的丘吉尔奖学金,获奖理由是一项在澳大利亚有建设潜力的研究,它涉及木材蛀虫的发生率,分布范围和经济意义














